Monday, March 28, 2011

CSUB Soccer gets involved in the Community!

The CSUB Women’s coaching staff and a collection of men and women’s players participated in a day of celebration at Thompson Junior High. Student-athletes were involved in the recognition of the all-star intramural soccer teams from seventh and eighth grade. Brian explained; ‘The intramural program is simply another tool to get students physically active by providing a variety of sport activities that may not be offered as an after school sport.’ Soccer, as well as other sports such as basketball, is offered in a competitive yet fun environment for all students to participate. Thompson Junior High believes ‘It is a great way to keep kids on tract behaviorally. If a student has to serve a lunch detention then they will not be able to play on their team, so it encourages the students to stay out of detention.’ The men and women’s soccer players enjoyed a fun day with the junior high school students and look forward to challenging them again next year.